Friday, March 25, 2011

37. Aunt Sheila's Quilt

Sheila and Bill lost their house last summer in a total house fire. Mike's dad and many volunteers put it back together and when we visited in November it felt like a home.

We draw names at Christmas for Mike's mom's side of the family, and I drew Sheila's name. I knew what I had to do.

This quilt is Churn Dash blocks from an internet exchange back when quilt block exchanges were mailing lists instead of websites or groups online. Back then I was the underdog, skill wise. These ladies made much more precise blocks. I received 8 blocks in return for my 8 blocks, and then promptly stored them away for 13 years. Here they finally are, combined with polar bears and other random Christmas fabric to make a 60x60 throw.

Sheila told me this weekend she still had it out. "The living room's still all Bridgettified."

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile. I can totally hear Sheila saying that.


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