Thursday, March 3, 2011

21. Old Thread

I use old thread when it's not going to show--mostly to piece blocks together. I don't use just any old thread, however. When I pick it up at an antique/junk shop or at Leftovers (which is/was a recycling store that sold by the grocery bag--great for cheap teaching supplies and I got all my metal knitting needles from there), I test the thread first to see if it's worthwhile.

If it snaps in my hand, for instance, under little stress, then it's no good. If it smells like mildew or musty in any way, I don't bring it home. One time I found a bunch of spools that all had tiny puncture wounds, and I figured out it was cat bite marks. The saliva, I am guessing, rotted that thread completely.

But if it's strong and on a wooden spool, it almost always comes home with me. Even if it's too thick to use in a sewing machine I know I'll put it to some use. And sometimes? If it's a wooden spool and has a nice label, I might still bring it home because I'm kind of silly that way. But not with cat bite marks. Bleah.

1 comment:

  1. i've been thinking about making spool knitters for my Brownie troop ... actually having them make them, of course, pounding in the nails ... but the hang point is, of course, wooden spools. maybe i should go out to Leftovers ...


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