Tuesday, March 22, 2011

35. Spring Chick Bento

Quail eggs, hard boiled, with details in dried seaweed. Yup, did the whole Japanese thing there. The rest of the bento is simpler: celery, a little wheel of cheese in a wax coating, an olive, some radish shoots, cheeze-its, and little chicks cut from carrots. This is one of two bento boxes that are stacked and silly-banded together. The other box had apple slices cut into bunny rabbit shapes, with a couple of gummy bears and sunflower seeds. Maeve had a little peanut butter, dry milk, sesame seeds, and honey ball in with hers, too, but Sophia can't have peanut butter in her classroom so she missed out (as I wrote that she said "gross" so I guess she wouldn't have missed it; Maeve ate it gone).

Gotta say, quail eggs have quite the compact cuteness factor.


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