Monday, March 7, 2011

24. Spring Cleaning: Closet

This week's goal? Clean out my closet and dresser drawers.

For every day, I wear one thing: black and denim. Jeans in the winter, capris in the summer. I throw a sweater on over a black t-shirt in the fall and spring. I rarely break out a sweatshirt or turtleneck. Everything on top is black and everything on bottom is denim blue.

Yes, I will dress up for a wedding or party. And there are a few items I keep because I use them when I need them--like the blue t-shirt to volunteer for Sophia's Irish dance school's feis (competition). I also have some bike pants that I wear under capris when I bike at the extremes of weather.

But this doesn't explain the the pair of green corduroy pants I will never wear again. Or the yellow, spring yellow, capris. Don't get me started on the weird collection of dress shirts in my closet. What?

I'm saving them because I'm lazy. It's not a case of "I'll get skinny and wear them" because THEY FIT NOW. Time to go.

After that, it's Mike's turn. He has t-shirts dating back to the late 80s, complete with the holes you would expect of that sort of vintage. Bleah.

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