Friday, February 18, 2011

9. Spring Cleaning

I have elderly cats. More than that, I have annoying cats. For 14 years, we had no problems that were not quickly solved. No cat pee. Nope. Nada.

The past year this has changed for the worse. I blame Hickory, our black cat. I think she's taking advantage of the situation (Bleys is getting older, we figured he was the culprit--but in the end, I think it's her).

I spend a lot of time cleaning cat pee. We got rid of the living room rug, my very favorite rug, because I simply couldn't get one area clean enough that they stopped being interested. It was hopeless. Now we have two annoying cheap rugs in the living room but OF COURSE they're not peeing on them. Not that I'm complaining.

But they're turning into Bad Cats--leave a jacket on the ground? Fair game. Sophia leaves open some knitting in a box? Boom.

It's time to haul it all out and start again. I can see the advantage to my parents' moving schedule. I've lived here 13 years and it shows.

More to come. Scrub a dub.

1 comment:

  1. Our cats started peeing inside, after years of going outside - actually, probably about 14 years.

    The vet said it would be for any or all of the following reasons:
    a) too cold outside
    b) arthritis and difficulty moving
    c) scared of another cat outside

    It was for all of the above reasons. And to save our carpet, we had to give in and get cat litter.


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