Saturday, February 26, 2011

16. Hexagons Still Going

A work in progress. It is a quilt top made of hexagonal kaleidoscope blocks. Then they were positioned on the bed, pinned down, and I'm working through them row by row. It's a lot of half-hexagons to piece. And I've been, you know, out of town and busy with other things. But I try to do a bit each day.

The cats have claimed this. They love layers of anything laid on top of layers of anything else. The folded blanket at the end of the couch. The rumpled pajama pants at the foot of Sophia's bed. Doesn't matter. If it's on top, they're going to lie on it.

Bleys, pictured there, will also make it his own. Every day I go in there and straighten up hexagons. Hexagons that are rapidly turning an orangey-white.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I really like the look of that quilt.
    2. This photo made me miss my cats.


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