Monday, February 20, 2012

76. Kwyltz So Far

The first is one I owe Daisy. Her sister has its fraternal twin. Once upon a time, when I was pregnant with Daisy, I was in a block swap of purple and blue batik patchwork blocks. Later on, I divided the resulting hodgepodge of blocks into two sets, one tat was mostly blue and one that was mostly purple. The blue ones were partnered with a blue batik and backed in pink--that one was finished about 3 or 4 years ago. And I got distracted.

These were partnered with a purple and orange batik and backed in orange. It is now done. Daisy asks me why it's so much "crunchier" than Fiona's. I told her to let me wash it a few times and it'll soften up.A bit of quilting closer up.

This next one was a top I finished when, again, Fiona was little and still enamored with Strawberry Shortcake. Back then there were two girls, no boy, and I envisioned the two of them sharing the attic. I also thought my full-sized iron bed was going up there, too. It's now in the guest room and the two of them have separate spaces in the attic and Billy's headed up there ASAP. So this quilt, flannel, backed in flannel, minimally quilted just to hold it together in the, most likely, frequent washing it will endure, is going to be one of our "curl up on the couch blankets." Jake asked, "so...why do we have a Strawberry Shortcake quilt?" and I told him to feel it and then he'd know why. He's a fan of the flannel sheets and all that.

"Well, we'll use it a while, and then it'll get put away and somebody will take it to college as kitsch," he says with a shrug.

This last one is mine. I haven't quilted it yet--it's next in the queue. It's a one-block wonder, all 60 degree triangles, called "Walking Shoes." That's really just for my own entertainment. I haven't made myself a quilt in a long time...

1 comment:

  1. I've never really wanted to quilt. But the more I see of your quilts, the more I think about trying. I love your Walking Shoes one. It looks like a lot of work though!


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